We fund the cutting edge research that will find the cure It is important to note that the majority of Tyler’s Hope operating expenses and overhead have been provided by the founders companies. Everything from office space, mailings, phone lines, etc.. have been provided at no cost to the Tyler’s Hope Foundation. We have brought on a director as we expand our reach and that remains our only paid position. This is important because all of the contributions and money raised goes towards finding a cure rather than paying for what most other charities spend on expenses.
Our many successes have motivated our foundation to establish greater and more challenging goals. Through hard work, good friends, and human compassion we have been able to fund many researchers that have helped us answer many of the questions about dystonia on our way to finding a cure. Many of the dollars raised have drawn in new researchers and Phds to dedicate their lives to curing Dystonia. I dream (and my kids HOPE) of the day in the future when our kids can take a pill to stop the symptoms of Dystonia. This is a great challenge but it is achievable! We have specific goals with a clear plan to succeed. Dystonia is a curable disorder. Although it is the most devastating and disrupting disorder I have ever encountered, research has determined both a gene and the protein responsible for generalized DYT1 Dystonia. This was accomplished with very little funding and over a relatively short period of time. While we can find a cure, I have to. With enough money we can continue to fund the research necessary to find a cure and bring the top researchers in the world together on a mission to cure dystonia. You can be a part in finding a cure for over 500,000 people in the United States alone? We need your help |
September is Dystonia Awareness Month
Tyler's Hope for a Dystonia Cure has teamed up the University of Florida Movement Disorder Center and The University of Florida Center for Translational Research in Neurodegenerative Disease to help fund our Alignment grant and Dystonia research.